Hi everyone :)
I can't believe how long it's been since I posted on here. It's just been a very busy past few months with Christmas and revision so this blog has been put aside, unfortunately.
Because I'm in the middle of exams, I'm not going to be able to post very regularly (obviously they are my main focus right now) but I am going to be posting more 'diary' type things. That's not a very good explanation..(sorry). For example, if somethings been bugging me all week, I feel like a rant or if something's just caught my attention I'll post about it. I thought it would add a bit of variety to this blog instead of just fashion and beauty posts all the time :)
Sorry for the long intro, now into the actual post. HAPPY 2013!! I'm not really one to make resolutions but I decided that I was going to make a change this year. So here are my 2013 resolutions..
I've always been a very shy person and have suffered with anxiety in the past. I'm just afraid to put myself out there and be daring, because I'm afraid that people won't like me or that something will go wrong. But this year I've decided that I'm going to start with the little things.
Like talking to people I don't normally talk to, and going out more. I'm not going to try anything drastic because that's just not me. So I'm just going to be a little more daring now and then :)
I spend waaaay too much time lounging around the house on the internet or revising. I used to do loads of sport but in the last year I just haven't had the time or energy. So, I've decided to start going to the gym with a friend once a week and spend an hour on the treadmill. It's about as much as I can do at the moment, and I think it will give me a real boost (as well as a toned body for my trip to Rome in the summer - EEK!)
I never realized how little water I drank during the day, and how much of an effect it could have on my skin and overall mood. I've been in a really bad place really and because of my dehydration my skin has definitely suffered. So my final resolution is to drink at least three glasses of water a day. And, when I'm at school I will take a bottle with me which must be drank! (how strict).
I'm not promising that I will be able to stick with these resolutions, and if I don't that's okay. But, I do like a challenge so let's see how long I can go :)
Do you have any New Year's resolutions? Leave them below :)
young, british & fashion obsessed
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